Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Hace Calor!!

It's almost midnight here, and I am sweating profusely!! It is probably in the mid eighties about 50 or 60 percent humidity...Aye aye aye!! I'm doing well...It's taking a bit of time to become accustomed to the different food (like mashed plantains with sliced cheese on top and a lot of fruits and vegetables I have never had before, and I normally can't pronounce ;)  ) But I am finally settling into the fact that I am going to be here for a while...I think. I think it's really important that I take my time here step by step instead of trying  to swallow the idea of three months all at once! The cool thing is that even in this short amount of time, my Spanish and my ability to communicate and express myself is greatly improving everyday! I am also learning cultural things like slowing...my days aren't very full and busy like they are in the United States, which makes me want to rip my hair out sometimes, but it is also giving me the opportunity to really read the Bible (in both English AND Spanish) and spend time with God. We will do things like going  to the park with everyone in the family just to watch some boys from the church play basketball, or we will sit around the table after lunch for 2 hours just talking about politics or religion or the differences between here ad back home...We go pretty much everywhere as una familia and we sure do bring a lot of people with us!! Dominicans are a very communal people, so we will fill our 6 seater car with 16 people after church just so we can drop everyone off at their different houses. Or we will be on our way home from somewhere with a car full of people, and we will stop and the three different families that are represented by the people in the car will do their grocery shopping together. Mi papa is never in a hurry, so we will be thirty minutes late to church because I am having an important conversation with him, or he runs into someone on the street that he knows and actually stops for a considerable time to talk to them...It is truly another world here!

I absolutely love and feel so very blessed by the family I am staying with and I know that soon this will be routine for me and something that I am used to, but for right now I am trying to give myself permission to take time to get used to all of this, so please keep me in your prayers!

Buenas noches a todos!!!

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