Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Estoy Cansada!!

So, I am very tired!! But that is SUCH a good thing because it means that I am starting to actually use a bit more of my time here!! Lots of walking has happened, a tiny bit of studying, and a WHOLE LOT of learning already!! This is going to be a short post because my eyes are trying harder than they should be to stay open...but I wanted to keep you all updated and theank you so much for your prayer and support! I have felt so loved and embraced by my friends and family even though I am thousands of miles away....God is definitely hearing all of you because he has felt so present, and he has definitely been my strength when I have felt weak!

I am starting to get used to the extreme heat and humidity here...I love my cold bucket shower (it has become quite a refreshing ritual!!)...my family here is still just as incredible and I am getting closer with them everyday...I'm starting to get my bearings when it comes to all of the crazy streets and directions...I'm really starting to love the food and my tummy is starting to love it too :)...and I'm feeling pretty dang comfortable with the language! I am also having a blast with the group here from APU! We laugh and goof around a lot, which is a great relief from the pressure sometimes! We actually went to a TGI Fridays tonight for one of the girl's birthday and it was nice to feel like we were back in the States for a couple of hours :)

I'll give more details later, but I wanted everyone to know that I'm doing really well!!


  1. Hi Bri,

    Glad to hear you are doing well. I know being in a different country and experiencing a new culture can take some adjusting to. It sounds like you are taking it all in stride. I am enjoying hearing all your stories and updates. I look forward to seeing all the pictures when you get back. Know that I am praying for you!

    Ps Grace

  2. Hi Bri: I love that you are enjoying your cold bucket of water. :-) This quote reminds me of you and what you posted today. "Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denile into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend." -Melody Beattie. Btw, I really look forward to the time when I get to sit down and log on to your blog. Buenas noches, y que descanses. Love you, Lady O. (I love the nickname your mama gave me.)
